My research interests are devoted to the physical properties of explosive
events, i.e. novae and supernovae (SNe). I joined the Padova-Asiago SN Group
in 2012, after having worked for many years on binary stars (either eclipsing and spectroscopic binaries,
and interacting binaries).
At present, I am mostly interested in studying the Low-Luminosity SNe, both Type Iax SNe
(which are believed to be thermonuclear events) and
faint and slow Type II SNe (core-collapse events).
I am a member of the GRAWITA
(Gravitational Wave INAF team) and ENGRAVE
(Electromagnetic counterparts of gravitational waves at the Very Large Telescope, ESO)
collaborations, which have the aim of carrying out multi-wavelength observational campaigns after
the gravitational wave (GW) alerts released by the ground-based interferometers
network (LIGO/Virgo/KAGRA), with the goal to find out and to characterise
the GW-related transients, mainly kilonovae.
I am the PI of the Asiago Transient Classification Program (see ATC Program).
I live and work in Asiago highland, where are operational the telescopes and
instrumentations of the Observatory of Padua. I am the team coordinator of the observational site at Cima Ekar
(the team is composed of four technicias) and the manager of the local